Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to quicken en español


quicken verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
quickened, has quickened, is quickening, quickens
resucitar; estimular, despertar; acelerar

Ejemplos de uso de
quicken verb

  • Stimulants can quicken the heart rate.
  • His pulse quickened at the thought of seeing her again.
  • The approach of the deadline quickened our sense of urgency.
  • The drama quickened when police arrived at the scene.

Sinónimos de
quicken verb

Traducción inversa para to quicken

resucitar  - to resuscitate, to revive, to resurrect, to revitalize 
estimular  - to stimulate, to encourage 
despertar  - to arouse, to wake, to awaken, to wake up, to elicit, to evoke 
acelerar  - to accelerate (of an automobile), to accelerate, to speed up, to expedite 
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